Sunday, October 25, 2009

Oh My Jonas

HAHAHAHAHAHA! Can you believe my oldest blogs? I can't stop laughing.

Just to let you know, I was depressed back then but I'm a whole new person now. Lot's of things were happening that you don't even know... And my latest blog? Wow. I didn't stop writing, obviously.
I was such a sore loser. xD

Anyways, I'm happier now. But I get sad when I remember the good ol' days on BeTweenTalk. Truthfully, I'm glad I'm off there, but the memories were wonderful. :)

I'm back into ballet and I'm hoping to get into pointe soon.
I found a new site, can you believe that? It's called Polyvore.

I might even delete my old blogs because I feel a bit embarrassed by them. Once again, I'M DIFFERENT NOW!! (sorry for ze caps)

I'll blog more often now and I'll be happier in them. Unless I'm cranky.... :P


Thursday, May 21, 2009

A depressing blog. *sigh*

Don't ya just love it when I write so depress-ing-ly-ish?
Yeah, I thought so.
Well, I'm really sad/mad because I found out that I'm a brat, I'm rude, and I'm a loser.
My mom said I was rude because she was talking to me when I asked if I can look back at the computer to see what Muranda said. Then I was all crying because I've been really depressed so everything pretty much makes me cry. It really sucks.

And then she called me a brat later. I forgot why, but she did.
Anyways, I'm sad for Racheal. I wants her to feel better.

Yeah, the Dance Line looks wierd. No offense.
So, I'm already practicing for it. I haven't even started school. :P

Well I better go. PEACE OUT, HOME DAWG!
Also, I'm mad because I didn't get nominated for best storyteller. *cwies* I actually DID cry because of that! I... *sigh*.... I guess I'm not a good writer... I'm trying not to go off at the moment... *HEE-HOO-HEE-HOO*
Well yeah. I'm not gonna write as much anymore. I already tore out one of my stories.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Non-depressing Blog. FINALLY!

Finally! A non-depressing blog!
I'm not sure what to say. But, drama is...

Well, not exactly over, but I'm trying to forget all about it.
But anyways, Emalie commented on my blog. I was freaking out because I didn't know what she was oing to say. (BTT blog, not Blogger)

Well, I'm writing a story with my mommers. I wanna write so bad, but I can't do it without her and she's on a date. Hehe. lol

Oh yeah, I need help.

How do you follow people's blogs?

And, how do you add a soundtrack to your blog? (Like Racheal's) :)

Oh and, boy troubleeee... (Not really trouble, but I have a crush. On two boys. :D)
Well, there is Trace. He is our landlord's grandson and he is.... *dreams* WOW!
And then there is my mom's new bf's nephew. He is hotsa. :P
Well, Trace invited me over (well, my family) to swim at his pool. This will be the first time actually hanging out with him and I don't wanna wear a bathing suit in front of him! *embarrassed* And, he's had a crush on me (obvious) ever since we moved here. The first time I met him... *dreams again*
I was unloading our moving truck and him and his group of (also hotsa) friends and he stopped. he told everyone to come over and greet the new 'house renters' (I heard him, but I just walked into the house). So, I was inside while my mom was outside and she started talking to him, although I could see him peeking at me at the doorway. With all of his friends.
That's pretty much it, hehe.
And then..... Wait, what's his name again? :P

Ok, well, yeah. I forgot his name. BUT I STILL HAVE A CRUSH!


Thursday, April 30, 2009

I wanna cry. :(

Why do I have such a bad life? :(
I'm not happy, but I don't care about me and Emalie not being friends anymore. She was being really mean to me and got her friend, Jess, to tell me off and she kept threatening that she was going to kill me. And, I'm really scared, believe it or not. I didn't know who it was when I added her and she could've seen my Yahoo profile and seen where I lived. She called me a bunch of REALLY nasty names, and I tried to ignore her but... UGH!

I can't believe Emalie gave out both me and Muranda's email addresses so she could do that. I wanted to cry but yell at her at the same time!


So yeah, you can see how my day is going. Also, my mom is stressing out about this job. I understand why, but still. It sucks.

*Listens to I Hate This Part ~ The Pussycat Dolls*

Well, I better go.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Most Horrible Day.

I'm having a horrible day/week/month... I'm REALLY sick, with runny nose, stomach-aches here and there, I'm having MAJOR headaches and earaches. I have a sore throat, I'm coughing a lot, and it's hard to breathe. :(
And, I'm scared about the whole Swine Flu going around. My family is staying home, ALOT. And, it just hit where I live. It's good that I'm homeschooled, huh?

My honest opinion is that this is just the beginning of the 2012 thing. I'm not COMPLETELY sure that it's gonna happen, but I kinda believe. They predicted this. They predicted that there was going to be alot of illnesses, and diseses [sp?].

Anyways, enough about that stuff. What REALLY is making me sad is that I lost (on of) my best friends. Emalie was getting mad at me because me and Muranda said how we were all gonna die. And, I was yelling at her because she was letting the Swine Flu get in the way of our friendship. But, she didn't care, sadly. She told me she never wants to speak to me ever again, and I told her that if she comes back to apoligize, she's wasting her time. Now I feel guilty for saying that. I wanna talk to her again! *cries*

Aren't my life just full of drama? :(

Well, my truest, truest, TRUEST friend is Muranda. She was the very first person I've talked to on Yahoo Messenger (the reason I'm hooked), and ever since I met her, she's been my BFFO (Best friend forever online) But, that's all gonna change! She's visiting my state so it won't be online! WOOT, WOOT!

Anyways, back to my horrible life. I feel so bad, but that isn't even the start of how I feel. I decided that I shouldn't give too many things out by blogging. Diaries are the best option, that way, it's totally private.
Well, I'm gonna go. I have no more things to blog about.

My Page Pet

pYzam Page Pets
FreeFlashToys Page Pets

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Hey guys!

Hey people! I'm so bored right now. *hugs computer screen* I miss you, BeTwenTalk

ANYWAYS- I didn't know Skyesmom was following me on here! :O! I kinda freaked out because she saw what I wrote, but I'm just gladders she's not mad. :) She's a good mommy. (Hehe :P )

Well, I blogged for the first time of being unbanned on BTT. It felt pretty good.

Anyways, let's talk about my boring life. I.....
OH gosh, they were so.... Embarrassing. I changed so much since I wrote them. I even wrote (when I was about 8, or 9) a story called The Magic Soda. I couldn't help but laugh my head off. And, I couldn't believe the things I wrote! I wrote like, everyday because I inserted every detail of my life. :P I wrote about my penpals, my wittle bf (when I was 5, so don't laugh!), my brother, my mom, I even wrote about me writing in my diary, IN MY DIARY! Wow. Huh?

*sings to Britney Spears*

Anyways, I'll probably make a thread on BTT about old stories we've written when we were little. I'll even put in 'The Magic Soda', although it's HORRIBLEY written.

Well, I better go. I've been blogging WAY too much. :P

I forgot to say;

I'm not sure if anyone reads my blogs but, I'm sorry for my other blog saying I hate all the admins. I don't really hate them. I was just mad.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Introducing Myself

Hey Bloggers! My name is Alexis. I'm turning 12 on May 15th.
Anyways, here are useless facts.
*I like the colors light pink, lavender, and lime green
*I live to...... DANCE!
*I also like Soccer. :)
*I have an obssession for blogging...
*I used to be a mod for this site
*I'm mature for my age
*I love to read and write, I do it everyday. :)
*I want to get published someday and become a doctor. (A General Practitioner, to be exact.)
*I love fashion
*My favorite sites are and
*My best friends are: Muranda, Emalie, Rachael, Abby, Alina, and my recently new one, Bailey.
*I'm homeschooled

Thanks for reading my blog, but I gotta warn you future readers.....

I eat................... Cheese.