Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Most Horrible Day.

I'm having a horrible day/week/month... I'm REALLY sick, with runny nose, stomach-aches here and there, I'm having MAJOR headaches and earaches. I have a sore throat, I'm coughing a lot, and it's hard to breathe. :(
And, I'm scared about the whole Swine Flu going around. My family is staying home, ALOT. And, it just hit where I live. It's good that I'm homeschooled, huh?

My honest opinion is that this is just the beginning of the 2012 thing. I'm not COMPLETELY sure that it's gonna happen, but I kinda believe. They predicted this. They predicted that there was going to be alot of illnesses, and diseses [sp?].

Anyways, enough about that stuff. What REALLY is making me sad is that I lost (on of) my best friends. Emalie was getting mad at me because me and Muranda said how we were all gonna die. And, I was yelling at her because she was letting the Swine Flu get in the way of our friendship. But, she didn't care, sadly. She told me she never wants to speak to me ever again, and I told her that if she comes back to apoligize, she's wasting her time. Now I feel guilty for saying that. I wanna talk to her again! *cries*

Aren't my life just full of drama? :(

Well, my truest, truest, TRUEST friend is Muranda. She was the very first person I've talked to on Yahoo Messenger (the reason I'm hooked), and ever since I met her, she's been my BFFO (Best friend forever online) But, that's all gonna change! She's visiting my state so it won't be online! WOOT, WOOT!

Anyways, back to my horrible life. I feel so bad, but that isn't even the start of how I feel. I decided that I shouldn't give too many things out by blogging. Diaries are the best option, that way, it's totally private.
Well, I'm gonna go. I have no more things to blog about.